Keeping Tabs

Important Facts on Water and COVID-19

As the manufacturer of the Accu-Tab® chlorination system for use in safeguarding recreational water, wastewater, potable and process water, Westlake Water Solutions stands alongside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to raise awareness around water transmission and COVID-19.

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New FSMA Rules for Your Irrigation System

No matter where you are within the agricultural supply chain, it’s critically important to understand the different variables that go into growing crops safely. When it comes to the safety of your irrigation water, here’s a question you should ask yourself daily:  Are you adequately treating the water you are pulling from ponds and wells to irrigate your crops to help prevent the spread of waterborne pathogens? 

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Common Abbreviations, Common Confusion: Cl– vs. Cl (and Why Growers Should Care)

As the careful, conscientious grower you are, you’ve decided to take samples of your irrigation water to a lab for testing. When the results come back, you see a “Cl” concentration of 65 parts per million (ppm). You see those letters, “Cl” and grow a bit concerned. After all, isn’t it bad to have chlorine in your soil?

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Innovations to Help Outlast an Agricultural Water Shortage

How grave is the current water crisis in the Western U.S.? The water shortage has affected all 22 states west of the Mississippi. In addition, 98 million people in the Southwest are dealing with decreased water availability. California Governor Jerry Brown has announced a mandatory 25 percent cutback in water consumption in all cities, as the drought is already affecting more than 50 million people in the region. It’s no surprise that agricultural output is suffering in the region as a result: Wheat and rice production are already significantly down from annual averages, with fruit and nut production also at risk.

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Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems are the Best Option

Over the past two decades, one form of drip irrigation technology has rapidly advanced: Subsurface drip irrigation, a low pressure, high efficiency irrigation system that utilizes drip tubes or tape in order to meet specific crop water needs. Ideal for farms in dry, hot and windy regions with limited water supplies, SDI systems run underground, allowing crops to thrive without above-ground impediments.

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Cultivating a More Efficient Irrigation System

It’s about quality, not quantity!”

Longtime players in the produce industry know that irrigating a farm with clean, high-quality water can help farms pass audits and lessen vulnerability to recalls. But quantity — the amount of water that you use — should also be a consideration.  

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